January 24th – 26th, 2013

January 24th:  Thursday, got out to the barn just as my friend A was getting on her baby.  I had known she was thinking of bringing the horses out to my trainers to get her opinion on them, but didn’t know when, so I was pretty surprised to see them there.  Got to watch a little bit of her lesson on her baby Anton, and then got Libby tacked up so I could hack her.  As I was hacking her, and A and my trainer came back in from their session, and my trainer went up to the house to use the restroom.  So I ask A what she thought and she was very pleased.  And wants to trailer in for at least two lessons a week! SOOO I will be hitching those rides when I move to the other farm!!!

Onto my ride, Libby was great.  W/T/C she was so supple and fluid, it felt great!! I was excited to have my normal Lib back.  Put away and gave her lots of treats! Of course…

January 25th: Friday I got out and there wasn’t anyone there save the groom, so a very quiet day.  Was instructed to work on lateral stuff and lots of bending exercises with Lib, so once I got her tacked up, it was circles and serpentines time.  Libby did not like this change in plan, and was spooky and looky.  By spooky I mean she sticks her head up like a giraffe randomly, and by looky I mean doesn’t go forward because shes too busy staring off into the distance.  So not a very productive ride.  I actually think she might be coming into heat, soI gave her the benefit of the doubt.  Ended on a good note with some figure eights and called it a day.

January 26th: 
Had to wake up super early today to help volunteer at the UF hunt seat team show.  Up and out the door by 5.  Ugh… By the time I got to the barn I was TIRED, but I hadn’t heard from my trainer yet, so I thought I’d head over.

They had customers when I got there so I just played on my phone a bit as I watched the young rider try several horses. I know I’ve said it before but I just love watching people try horses.  Its relaxing to me for whatever reason.  But we decided that I would hack her and warm her up for my trainer, and then shed hop on and school her over fences.  Got on and she was LAZY like not moving lazy.  Finally coaxed her to get some enthusiasm by trotting over a couple fences, and then cantering.  After warming up I jumped her a little over a box and a gate.  Nothing really, but it made me so miss jumping her… Can’t wait until this show is over!  Trainer got on and all we really did was put the jumps up, and add oxer rails.  Libby was super! Really hunting for her fences, giving it her all and coming back nice and quiet.  She looked back to her normal self!  Brought her in and gave her a bunch of treats.  Spoiled mare 🙂
She gets the day off tomorrow, then I hack her Monday.

Gosh her mane is atrocious.  That will be gone by next picture…

12 thoughts on “January 24th – 26th, 2013

  1. I love watching other peoples lessons too. When I was back home with my old trainer, I would ride in my lesson, take care of whatever horse I had ridden, and watch the rest of the lessons of the day. So relaxing 🙂


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