June 19th, 2013

Finally got back to see the Lib!!! Dropped off my blankets at the tack store for wash and repair on the way, and got to the barn around 5:30.  I’d thought that getting out there later would be a little cooler for riding,

Once she was out of her stall I saw all these cuts and scrapes she had, all over her body.  Now I know, horses are animals that tend to get into trouble, but Libby generally is a big priss about that.  I thin in the whole year I’ve owned her, I’ve seen maybe two or three little cuts that weren’t on her face, which is where she seems to cut herself a lot.  She had a long, but superficial, cut along her right jowl, numerous cuts on her face, some on her girth area, a large patch of missing hair on her left flank with a little one on her right flank to match, and another cut on her right butt cheek.  Of course being the worry wart I am, I started coming up with scenarios as to how the heck she did this.  My trainer wasn’t out there so I’ll have to ask her tomorrow what happened…

Superficial but I mean what the heck!

After I got over the initial shock of seeing her war wounds, I got her tacked up, and brought her out to ride.  Its been raining in north fl while I’ve been gone, so she didn’t get ridden which I really don’t mind.  Brought her into the ring, did our normal walk around once to warm up her back a bit and hopped on.  She was lazy, what else is new, so I revved her up a bit by doing some nice extensions in the trot on the long side, and then coiling her back up on the short side.  Then moved on to do it with the canter. 

You know when your riding and you just get an idea in your head of something you want to finish on that is totally unrealistic? That was my problem yesterday.  After a week of I decided I would try for a lead change.   Hindsight is 20/20 but point is, we need to work on them.  She is much better right to left, but that left to right lead change needs help.  All in all had a good ride, and was happy to be back!


Happy girl with her crazy mane

but it was still in the mid 90’s temp wise.  So I decided to have a quick ride and got her out of her stall. 

8 thoughts on “June 19th, 2013

  1. Henry has had lots of extra scrapes, bites and marks lately… I think his neighbor needs a muzzle lol! I've checked every corner of his stall and there is nothing sharp he could be getting caught on.


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